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Register NOW - 6th Monte Jade Innovation Competition MJIC2023

Updated: Jun 27, 2023


玉山科技協會舉辦玉山青年成就獎已近半甲子,迄今已舉辦第六年的創意競賽(MJIC, Monte Jade Innovation Competition)活動已於六月份( June 1. 2023) 開始接受報名,延續鍛造玉山培育年輕世代之初衷。

競賽獎項豐富,得獎人除獲得來自Amazon, Winmate Inc贊助獎學金外,也將獲得玉山專家提供之就業與創業輔導以及專利申請法律顧問諮詢。

對活動有興趣者歡迎加入玉山科技協會將於6/12 美東時間 7PM 舉辦之線上Zoom Q&A session: | Password: 000000




🌟🚀🌟 Innovation Competition Announcement 🌟🚀🌟

Calling all forward-thinkers, creative minds, and exceptional presenters! The MJSTASE (美東南玉山科技協會) is thrilled to present the 6th Annual Monte Jade Innovation Competition (MJIC). This prestigious event aims to inspire and showcase innovative ideas from talented individuals or teams comprising university students and those with remarkable project concepts. The entire competition will be conducted primarily in English, fostering a global environment.

🌿 Nurturing Innovation for Half a Decade 🌿

Building on the success of the Yu-Shan Youth Achievement Award, the MJSTASE has proudly organized the Monte Jade Innovation Competition for six consecutive years. Registration for the competition is now OPEN! This event continues to shape the future generation with its unwavering commitment to innovation and creativity.

🏆 An Abundance of Prizes 🏆

Participants have the opportunity to win prestigious awards, including generous scholarships sponsored by Amazon and Winmate Inc. Moreover, winners will benefit from career and entrepreneurial guidance provided by esteemed Yu-Shan experts, as well as patent consultation services.

🌟 Join us for an Informative Q&A Session 🌟

If you are interested in participating, we invite you to join the MJSTASE for an online Zoom Q&A session on June 12, at 7 PM Eastern Time. This session will provide you with valuable insights and answers to any questions you may have.

The Zoom link is as follows: | Password: 000000.

🌐 Discover More and Register Today! 🌐

For detailed information about the MJIC and the registration process, please visit the event webpage:

Gain inspiration from the event introduction and shared experiences of past winners by watching this video:

📺 Stay Connected with MJSTASE 📺 Don't miss out on any updates regarding our events! Subscribe to the MJSTASE YouTube channel:

🌟 Unleash your innovative spirit and embark on a transformative journey at the 6th Monte Jade Innovation Competition MJIC2023! 🌟


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