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「開發及應用網絡工具:分析亞太裔人口分佈與投票」講座(4/23/2022 Peachtree Corners 希爾頓酒店)

慶祝5月美國亞太(AAPI) 傳統月,玉山科技舉辦此活動,中外人士包括布爾多議員(Carolyn Bourdeaux) 及兩位年輕候選人共約50人到場。


講者田白介紹其子田亮開發的網絡工具,結合2020年人口普查,了解近年來各族裔在喬州各區的分佈及消長。亞太裔近幾年來成長及幅度多集中於幾個區域,遠勝於其他族裔。他說2020 選舉結果顯示,亞太裔選民成為關鍵的新力量。這個易於操作的工具亦可運用於各行業,有效查詢及服務亞太裔客戶和社區, 以期更精準地預測在地的消費行為及模式。

田白並談及其著作《環境與地球科學中的 GIS 技術應用》,他利用GIS 系統,調查軍事國防及環境污染。(摘要自世界日報)

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Seminar :Technology Enpowering Political Engagement (4/23/2022 Hilton at Peachtree Corners )

To celebrate AAPI Heritage Month, MJSTASE hosted a seminar at Hilton in Peachtree Corners. Two speakers, Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux, representing the 7th Congressional District, and Bai Tian, author of the book GIS Technology Applications in Environmental and Earth Sciences, gave speeches in the seminar. There were 50 participants. In addition to Congresswoman Bourdeaux, two young candidates representing the Democrat Party also expressed their support of Asian communities.


田白介紹如何應用 GIS 分析族裔分佈



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